Ashe Alliance Sermons – A Model Prayer Life – a deep dive into the prayers of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector from Luke 18.
Joyful Generosity
Core Values Series – Part 4 – Joyful Generosity. Do not get trapped into the mindset that generosity means giving away money. You can tithe 10% to the church and still not be a generous person. Giving 10% to the church because the Bible says to is a very transactional way of giving and doesn’t at all have to engage the heart. That type of person can easily put a check in the offering plate on Sunday morning and not think twice about stopping to help the person with a flat tire on the side of the road on their way to lunch after the service. Generosity, on the other hand, is purely a motivation from the heart, specifically a redeemed heart, and today, we will unpack exactly what that means for us.