AAC Friday Night Lights

Let’s gather together in fellowship and support our local Ashe County High School Huskies Football Team! We will meet at Ashe County High School Stadium in the home team stands. Tickets will be available for $8 at the gate. Passes …

Bingo at Margate

Mark your calendars for the next Margate Event! Saturday, September 28th 10 am Let’s come together to encourage and have fun with our friends at Margate! We will play bingo with the residents in the activity room. We will also …

God’s Integrity

God’s Integrity | The Attributes of God Series. Even though we stand guilty before the eternal Judge whose foundation is righteousness and justice, we can fall upon the mercy of that same throne. He must judge sin, and He will do so in perfect righteousness, but His grace was demonstrated by atoning for your sin at the cross.

God’s Existence

Attributes of God | God’s Existence | God is the fullness of all His traits and the wellspring of life. And, because He is the apex of perfection and holiness, and to be anything less would mean that He would cease to be God, He will never change or go back on His spoken word. This is the God we serve, the God we love, the God who saved us, and the solid rock on which we can confidently build our lives.