Purified Faith in Trials | James | James 1:2-8 | In His sovereign will, God has designed His people to mature spiritually in a fallen world through trials. We need to grow in our faith in dozens of ways, so don’t be surprised to discover that your current trial is hitting a weak spot.
James Intro
James Intro | James Series | James 1:1. Imagine living in a world where there was no New Testament: no gospels, no letters of Paul, no acts of the apostles. How would you grow in your faith and learn to live a virtuous Christian life under persecution in a pagan society? For at least a few years, the book of James was the playbook of the early church, because it was the first New Testament book written and it is full of practical wisdom and secrets of the Kingdom. Ready to dive in?
God’s Holiness and Essence
God’s Holiness and Essence | Attributes of God Series | God is holy. At its core, holiness means being set apart. God is utterly set apart from His creation in his moral purity and other attributes, including the magnificent truth that He is both one God in His essence and triune in His personhood. Let’s unpack this glorious truth together and discover how it will impact our daily lives.