Acts Series | Acts 10:1-16 | The Door is Off the Hinges. Seven hundred years before Jesus’ birth, God spoke through the prophet Isaiah, explaining His plan of salvation and how it would extend outside the house of Israel to the Gentiles… and to the whole earth. Today, we will see the initiation of this plan.
How Shifting One Perception Changes Everything
How Shifting One Perception Changes Everything | Acts 9:32-43. Today we will see the healing of Aeneas and Tabitha. These two stories occur in two different cities and describe two different miracles done to two different people, all while undergirding two central truths. I am excited to unearth these beautiful truths with you today because taking them seriously could dramatically alter how you view your current circumstances.
Saul Hits the Ground Running
Acts Series | Acts 9:20-31 | Saul Hits the Ground Running. Upon Saul’s conversion, he wastes no time in proving that Jesus is the Christ. But, how did he become so effective so quickly and how did the people respond to the Persecutor-turned-Preacher’s new-found declarations?
Saul’s Restoration
Acts Series | Acts 9:10-19 | Saul’s Restoration. Today’s sermon covers two heroes of the faith and a very practical lesson on how all of us play a role in shining God’s light to the world.
An Unlikely Convert
Acts Series | Acts 9:1-9 | An Unlikely Convert. Today we will learn about one of the most significant events in history, second only to the resurrection of Christ. Saul, the great persecutor of the faith becomes the great defender of the faith.