Living With the Triune God




From the book of Ephesians

Become a three-note Trinitarian Christian.

  1. You Need the Trinity for Your Salvation
    • A. Praise the Father who chose you (1:3-5)
    • B. Praise the Son who redeemed you (1:7)
    • C. Praise the Spirit who seals & keeps you (1:13-14)
  1. You Need the Trinity to Worship Well
    Because of the Trinity—
    • A. You have individual access to the Father (2:17-18)
    • B. You have corporate access to the Father (2:20-22)
  1. You Need the Trinity to Have Fellowship with Christ (3:14-19)
    • A. Ask the Father for fellowship with Christ
    • B. Rely on the power of the Spirit for fellowship with Christ
  1. You Need the Trinity for life in the Church (4:1-32)
    • A. Hold fast to the triune foundation of the church (4:1-6)
    • B. Seek maturity in Christ for harmony in the church (4:13)
    • C. Don’t grieve the Spirit who is the “glue” of the church (4:30)
    • D. As the Father forgave you, practice forgiveness in the church (4:32)
  1. You Need the Trinity for a holy walk through an evil world (5:1-18)
    • A. Imitate the holiness of your Father (5:1, 7-10)
    • B. Imitate the lovey fragrance of Christ (5:2)
    • C. Be filled with the Holy Spirit (5:15-18)
  1. You Need the Trinity to Stand Firm against the Devil
    • A. Trust the Father’s power who has placed all enemies under Christ’s feet (1:18-21)
    • B. Pray in the Spirit to stand firm against the devil (6:10-12, 18)

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