Acts Series – Acts 6:1-7 – The First Deacons. After thousands of people came into the faith after Pentecost, the people’s daily needs were overwhelming for the apostles. In response, they divided the duties and established what would become Elders and Deacons. Today, we will deep-dive into what Deacons are.
Worthy of Dishonor
Acts Series: Acts 5:33-42. Have you ever experienced a time when you were given an honor you felt unworthy of? Today, we will see this happen in the most unlikely of circumstances.
Speak Life
Acts Series: 5:17-32. Speak Life. Today, we will witness the apostle’s second time being arrested and questioned by the High Priest, a jail break, and an angelic command that every believer is to follow.
The Gospel is a Double-Edged Sword
ACTS SERIES – Acts 5:1-16. Today we will see how the word of God is truly a double-edged sword. How? Because we will see a swift and hard judgment over Ananias and Sapphira, followed by displays of miraculous healing, showing two aspects of God’s nature – a hatred of sin and compassionate love for His people.
A Summary of the Early Church
ACTS Series – Acts 4:23-37. Our text today is a summary of what we have already learned so far. Luke is looking back at giving us the primary nuggets of truth that we need to chew on as we move forward. This means that the information isn’t new, but we will see it from a fresh perspective and further internalize it so it changes us in the best possible ways.