Core Value #7 – Devoted Prayer – As New Testament believers, we believe that prayer actually makes a difference in the world because we are praying to a God who is involved in the affairs of this world. But that is only the first point of four that we will learn about today.
Intentional Discipleship
Core Value #6: Intentional Discipleship. Discipleship is growth toward Christlikeness, but not only are we committed to a process of growth to make us like our Master, but we don’t do it in isolation. We are like the co-dependent plants in the companion planting garden. And that growth has certain characteristics, which we will talk about today.
Engaging Worship
Core Values #5 – Engaging Worship – If you think that worship is simply Sunday morning singing, then today should broaden your thinking to encompass all that scripture reveals worship to be. If we limit ourselves to singing only, then we will miss out on so much of the depth and richness that worship brings to us and the honor it brings to God.
Joyful Generosity
Core Values Series – Part 4 – Joyful Generosity. Do not get trapped into the mindset that generosity means giving away money. You can tithe 10% to the church and still not be a generous person. Giving 10% to the church because the Bible says to is a very transactional way of giving and doesn’t at all have to engage the heart. That type of person can easily put a check in the offering plate on Sunday morning and not think twice about stopping to help the person with a flat tire on the side of the road on their way to lunch after the service. Generosity, on the other hand, is purely a motivation from the heart, specifically a redeemed heart, and today, we will unpack exactly what that means for us.
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