Spiritual Growth Series | Matthew 17:1-8 | Behold His Glory. We don’t just read about God in the scriptures to know more about Him intellectually with our minds. When we behold Him in His glorious splendor as we see His attributes. We also see, understand, and appreciate Him with our heart, soul, and emotions with a sense of awe and wonder… with a growing thirst for more… with a desire to ‘taste and see’ that He is good.
Abide In Christ
Spiritual Growth Series | John 15 | Abide. Abiding is an investment in a growing relationship with Christ. You grow in spiritual awareness, intentional focus, submission, and trust that produces fruit.
Team of Teams
Acts Series | Acts 18:18-28 | Team of Teams. The story isn’t about certain details about two men. It is about the function of the entire body.
Anticipation of the Coming King
Advent 2023 | Anticipation of the Coming King | I want to take just a few minutes today to place us in the shoes of the Jewish people before Christ’s birth, and by doing so, my prayer is that we will leave here today with a renewed sense of awe and appreciation for what it must have been like to witness His first coming.
What is Biblical Joy?
Advent 2023 | What is Biblical Joy? Joy is not just something you feel. It is far greater than that. The good news OF great joy is found in Jesus Christ. And, in Christ, we can live in a state of being that experiences joy at all times, 24/7, 365.