Joyful Generosity

Core Values Series – Part 4 – Joyful Generosity. Do not get trapped into the mindset that generosity means giving away money. You can tithe 10% to the church and still not be a generous person. Giving 10% to the church because the Bible says to is a very transactional way of giving and doesn’t at all have to engage the heart. That type of person can easily put a check in the offering plate on Sunday morning and not think twice about stopping to help the person with a flat tire on the side of the road on their way to lunch after the service. Generosity, on the other hand, is purely a motivation from the heart, specifically a redeemed heart, and today, we will unpack exactly what that means for us.

Gifted Service

Core Values Series – Gifted Service. We were created to serve. It’s in our nature, so today, let’s move forward together knowing whom we are serving, how we are serving, the spirit in which we serve, and for what glorious purpose we are serving.

Biblical Authority

Core Values Series – Part 1 – Biblical Authority. The Bible is like a carpenter’s level. It is the objective, authoritative source of what is true, meaning it tells you what is or isn’t level, not the other way around. The Bible is where we begin the conversation, and if you don’t know what it says, then why do you stake your eternity on it? We need to know why we believe what we believe, or else, why on earth do we believe it?

The Gospel is a Double-Edged Sword

ACTS SERIES – Acts 5:1-16. Today we will see how the word of God is truly a double-edged sword. How? Because we will see a swift and hard judgment over Ananias and Sapphira, followed by displays of miraculous healing, showing two aspects of God’s nature – a hatred of sin and compassionate love for His people.