Game On

Acts Series | Acts 24:1-21 | Game On. Paul and Tertullus are like boxers who intentionally step into the intellectual ring to fight. Today at Paul’s trial before the Governor Felix, it’s game on.

Providence Prevails

Acts Series | Acts 23:12-35 | Providence Prevails. We all want God to work in our lives through visions, dreams, signs, and wonders. When we are in a difficult spot, we want to see him show up visibly, right? But most of the time, God works through normal circumstances and ordinary people to accomplish His will. As a result, we miss it because of our false expectations.

Stand Firm

Acts Series | Acts 23:1-11 | Stand Firm. In difficult times when it doesn’t seem like you will survive the fight, you don’t stand your ground and prevail because of your carnal strength or boldness. You stand your ground because of who is standing with you.