God’s Holiness and Essence | Attributes of God Series | God is holy. At its core, holiness means being set apart. God is utterly set apart from His creation in his moral purity and other attributes, including the magnificent truth that He is both one God in His essence and triune in His personhood. Let’s unpack this glorious truth together and discover how it will impact our daily lives.
God’s Integrity
God’s Integrity | The Attributes of God Series. Even though we stand guilty before the eternal Judge whose foundation is righteousness and justice, we can fall upon the mercy of that same throne. He must judge sin, and He will do so in perfect righteousness, but His grace was demonstrated by atoning for your sin at the cross.
The End is Where We Begin
The End is Where We Begin | Acts Series | Acts 28:17-31 | The chained apostle freely proclaims a gospel that can never be bound.
Contagious Confidence
Contagious Confidence | Acts Series | Acts 27:27-44 | Will you trust God until you see His promises fulfilled or not? Will your faith be an encouragement to others or a hindrance?
For This Hope
Acts Series | Acts 26:1-11 | For This Hope. From a worldly perspective, hope is the wishful expectation that what you want will eventually happen. But today, we will discover the powerful meaning from the biblical perspective.