Advent 2024: Who Is Coming? | Light of the World | Jesus, the Light that dawned in darkness, brings honor to Galilee. Learn how His transformative power can illuminate your life this Christmas.
Complementarianism at Ashe Alliance
Now that you have explored the scriptures and discovered what God desires for his people, the family, and His church, you are probably wondering how this all plays out at Ashe Alliance Church. That is a great place to land …
Complementarianism in the Church
So far, we have discovered how differing roles for men and women are grounded in God’s design from the very beginning and how that plays out within the marriage relationship. Today, we will investigate the second area of life that …
Complementarianism in the Home
Now that we have grounded differing roles in the created order, we must understand how those roles will be lived out. We have the foundation, but now we need the practicals. Since Adam and Eve were husband and wife, it …
Complementarianism in the Created Order
The Original Order One of the main differences in views when it comes to complementarianism is whether or not male headship is rooted in the order of creation. Or, in other words, was this God’s design from the beginning, before …